Have you already broken your New Year’s resolution?  This year why not try an unresolution and see how one word can transform your year…

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to jump on the bandwagon of change and motivation at the beginning of the New Year only to see how quickly it fades? Infomercials fill the airwaves all attempting to convince us they’ve got the solution that will propel us successfully into the New Year in better health, more organized, and in charge. Often we buy their promises hoping this time it will be different.

Even if you’re not naturally a goal-driven person, the New Year beacons us to try. Despite our best intentions, our motivation often fizzles before the start of February.  Slowly we drift back into our old familiar habits. Raise your hand if you can relate.

Last year I tried something different, something new. Ok, it’s not new, but it was new to me… I read My One Word by Mike Ashraft and Rachel Olsen. They encourage the reader to try a different approach. Rather than making a resolution, you find one word that is a beacon, banner, or even a lens for the year.

It didn’t match all of the hallmarks (specific, measurable etc.) I’ve been taught to use when establishing a goal because it’s a different approach all together.

My One Word (last year):

After following the tips they provide for finding “the word”, I settled upon “connect.” I was certain God was nudging me to increase my networking efforts and connect with more people. While that did happen throughout the year, “Connect” in the end was about significantly more. I consciously began connecting my actions with my priorities and my goals. I began deliberately connecting my decisions to my goals. At the end of the year, I actually had something to show for it – perhaps most noticeably was my health through losing over 40 pounds in 2017.

My One Word 2018:

Seeing the powerful impact having “one word” for last year, I set out to find a word for 2018. Just like last year, when I “found” the word, I needed to pick it up and put it down a few times before I knew it was right. The year my word is “implement.” Initially I thought it would be all about putting things into practice or getting things done (I have a goal of writing my next book this year!). While I still believe that’s the case, I already realize it’s so much more. Implement is a noun as well as a verb. An “implement” is a tool with a particular purpose. This year, I will align my priorities to not only plan and “put into effect” my efforts, but I will do so while sincerely working at being best equipped for my purpose. It will mean stretching, studying, growing and surrendering. I’m excited to see how this year will unfold!

Your turn:

  • Have you ever considered a word for the year?
  • If you’ve tried it before, what has worked when implementing your word?
  • Or, does the idea of a word sound compelling and you’d like to give it a try?

Actions and Takeaways:

  1. Consider choosing a word for this year. Not sure where to start, visit: http://myoneword.org/pick-your-word/ for a great resource to get you started.
  2. Visit http://myoneword.org/resources/ for resources to help get you started.
  3. Look up your word in the dictionary and write down the definition. You may be surprised that secondary and tertiary definitions may come to life.
  4. Write your word where you will see it regularly. Then don’t forget to allow it to be a lens for your priorities, actions and decisions.
  5. Share your word. Comment below or share on your social media. I’d love to hear what you pick, or if you’re going to try one word for this year.

Related Post: 5 Reasons New Year’s Goals Fail and 5 Things You Can Do About It.

Have you signed up to stay connected? If not, why not take a moment to do that below. When you do, you’ll get a free 2018 goal calendar that can help you with your focus for this year. I’d love to stay connected.

Comment to join the conversation… Will you try one word this year? What’s your word this year? Or, what will you do instead.