It was only one word.

It was only one word.

It was a one word gut punch I never saw coming. The fog it caused along with the momentum it stole caught me off guard. It was only one word. How could it have been so jarring? And, the kicker…it wasn’t even spoken to me! To top it off, the person who launched the...

What the Scale Told Me About My Self Worth

“Step on the scale,” the nurse said cheerily. “Do I have to?” I silently protested on the inside. Bundled in necessary winter layers, I tried to tell myself whatever number came up was the result of my seasonal fashion choices. I knew better. I knew that the few...

Have you ever felt too small to make a difference?

“I wanna help” I begged. A determined pint-sized toe-head blonde, I was just three years old at the time. Still I desperately wanted to help my mom get ready for company. “Can you put the napkins in on the table,” she asked handing me the small stack as she pointed to...