5 Things to do When You Don’t Know What to Say

5 Things to do When You Don’t Know What to Say

Speechless aka #nowords Have you noticed that you don’t need to look far to find someone dealing with some significant challenges lately? In recent months I’ve watched three friends battle breast cancer, another deal with end stages of life for a parent, and have...
It was only one word.

It was only one word.

It was a one word gut punch I never saw coming. The fog it caused along with the momentum it stole caught me off guard. It was only one word. How could it have been so jarring? And, the kicker…it wasn’t even spoken to me! To top it off, the person who launched the...

3 Lessons I Learned about Faith from my Dog

Have you ever noticed how God can use our everyday situations, the common place things we often over look to teach us His lessons? Returning from the Speak Up Conference in Grand Rapids the other day, my dog’s enthusiastic welcome home reminded me of one of my...