What Baseball Taught Me About Life

What Baseball Taught Me About Life

Living in the north, nothing says it’s spring more than the welcome lack of snow in my yard and of course the start of little league baseball. Seeing all the recent Facebook posts of little league parades and munchkins in their uniforms brings back heart-warming...

5 Ways Life is Like a New Recipe

This morning I caught myself idea shopping on Pinterest. I’ll be honest, some weeks I’m totally lacking ideas when it comes time to make our family’s menu and grocery list. I get stuck in a rut with the same once-good, now-a-bit-too-often-sad recipes. Have you been...

Why do we take Facebook quizzes?

Can I confess something? Lately I can’t help but be intrigued by some of the crazy quizzes in my Facebook feed. I don’t really expect them to offer an answer to the deep philosophical questions in life, but sometimes I find myself compelled to click just to find out...

The surprise I found in the big box behind the couch.

I couldn’t help but notice the rather over-sized box tucked behind the couch in the living room after school one day. “Whose was it?” Curiosity instantly got the best of me… I had to peek. I crawled up on the couch, leaned over and flipped the tag. “To Karen.” It was...