6 Life-Hacks to Save Time and Energy

6 Life-Hacks to Save Time and Energy

Life-hacks to save time and energy. It’s the time of the year when it feels like bed time by 6:30pm. Almost overnight it seems like it takes more energy to do the same things that were easier when daylight lingered until 8pm. If you like me appreciate simple ways to...
5 Things You Need to do This Week

5 Things You Need to do This Week

This week I took a break to visit a nearby lake with my mom, just to sit on a bench and enjoy the view. She’s visiting New England from central Pennsylvania so our local sites are very different than what she sees day to day. Spending the quality time with her got me...
9 Things You Should Stop Doing

9 Things You Should Stop Doing

Have you ever noticed that we can be our own worst enemy sometimes? We stress, worry, and procrastinate causing us to worry and stress even more. This week I’ve spent time spring cleaning. If my closet could talk, it would be thanking me!  It’s given me a...
5 Surprising Habits that Made My Summer

5 Surprising Habits that Made My Summer

  Maybe you’ve heard of Christmas in July, but have you ever heard of New Year’s in August? When I reflect on where I am right now, that’s exactly what it feels like. No, I’m not getting ahead of the seasons despite seeing snow blowers out at Home Depot this...