by Susan Call | Feb 16, 2016 | Susan's Blog
It’s confession time. I goofed. Yup, I’ve missed the mark in a few areas. I won’t say I’ve broken “resolutions”… because I didn’t actually make “resolutions.” What I can say is that I have a few goals or changes that are important to me, but I’m not making the...
by Susan Call | Nov 3, 2015 | Susan's Blog
Have you ever had a good fail, big or small, just an all-out fail? I had one just last week. What amazed me with this particular fail was that while it was such an ordinary situation, something it seemed like I’d done many times before, this time was different. You...
by Susan Call | Jul 7, 2015 | Susan's Blog
Yesterday didn’t exactly start the way I would have hoped. This shouldn’t take long I thought as I slid the iron onto my new summer shirt. Instantly I knew something was wrong. The iron didn’t slide the way it should rather it instantly stuck. I quickly lifted it to...
by Susan Call | Jun 23, 2015 | Susan's Blog
When I sat down to write this post, I instantly became distracted by a text message, then Facebook, then my dog asked for out. Opening the door to let her go for a run, my mind raced to a work project left undone. It’s all a bit ironic given my topic this week. You...
by Susan Call | Feb 26, 2015 | Susan's Blog
This is going to be a different kind of blog post. Typically when I sit down to write, something from everyday life grabs me – from fog to a game of Connect Four, the ordinary inspires me with practical wisdom. Perhaps it actually is the ordinary that grabbed me once...
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