The Surprising Thing I Overheard at the Airport

The Surprising Thing I Overheard at the Airport

I’m not usually one to eavesdrop but…this conversation couldn’t be missed. I didn’t initially notice the two pilots sitting near me at the gate waiting for a recent flight. The beginning of their conversation hadn’t caught my attention but soon their...
What Happens When You Have Bad Fuel

What Happens When You Have Bad Fuel

There are some lights that grab your attention and seemingly demand to be noticed. The check engine light on a dashboard is one of those.  I distinctly remembering my dad saying that’s not a light to ignore. Having had a few months of my share of mechanic bills, you...
5 Things You Need To Do When You Feel Off Track

5 Things You Need To Do When You Feel Off Track

Is this a dreaded backslide? Have you ever noticed how something small can suddenly become impossible to ignore? You know that teeny tiny bit of toothpaste on your sweater… it didn’t look that noticeable when you left the house but by the time you go to work it’s...
7 Things To Do When You Feel Lost

7 Things To Do When You Feel Lost

Heading home from a weekend away, I pressed “home” on my old school GPS before getting on the road. But, on this particular day, instead of providing me directions, the screen simply displayed “Searching for Satellites.” I turned down the road and decided I’d trust my...