4 Positive Things You Can Do in a Season of Waiting

4 Positive Things You Can Do in a Season of Waiting

Have you ever noticed how we can’t wait for Friday, can’t wait until summer, or can’t wait until Christmas? We’re challenged when we have to wait for a loved one to return home or to visit. Or find ourselves being inpatient anxious waiters when we’re waiting for a...
How to find hope in the middle of winter

How to find hope in the middle of winter

It caught me by surprise. Without warning, my voice jumped at least an octave. Sitting in my driveway, talking to a friend in far warmer Florida, I shrieked. “I saw a robin!” In fact, it wasn’t just one but about a dozen of them frolicking in my front yard. They...
The Unexpected Wisdom in a Cancelled Flight

The Unexpected Wisdom in a Cancelled Flight

For the few days leading up to my trip, I couldn’t help but be distracted by the weather forecast. News reporters hyped up the heavy snow fall headed our way. Friends and coworkers reassured me that I’d easily get out before the worst of the snow rolled in. I hoped...
What You Need to Know About Rabbit Trails

What You Need to Know About Rabbit Trails

The other morning I unexpectedly “fell” down a rabbit trail. No, the path didn’t come with a warning that I was about to lose time that I couldn’t get back. It certainly didn’t come with a map or a sign telling me just how far off my intended path the little adventure...
5 Important Steps You Need Realize Your Dreams

5 Important Steps You Need Realize Your Dreams

Life doesn’t always allow us to choose our inflection points. In math, it’s the point at which a curve changes direction. In life, these moments can grab us by surprise with a phone call, a loss, or a diagnosis. Or, they may be the moments we’ve hoped and waited for...