by Susan Call | Feb 12, 2019 | Susan's Blog
I woke up with a startle. Some dreams seem more real than others. This was one of those. Just moments before I awoke, I was standing on the far end of the deck behind our house. As I stood there, a swift wind kicked up, blowing strongly around me. As it grew...
by Susan Call | Jan 30, 2019 | Susan's Blog
Something went bump in the night. I’ve never heard my car make that sound before. Was it coming from the vent? I turned down the radio hoping to find the source. No such luck. All I knew is It was dark and I was tired. And, I wanted to get home. The whole way home,...
by Susan Call | Jan 22, 2019 | Susan's Blog
I think I have something that might just be contagious! This past week I was bit by the KonMari bug. Have you heard of it? It’s not new, but it is new to me. With the bitter cold temperatures outside, I recently watched a few episodes of Netflix’s series Tidying Up...
by Susan Call | Nov 26, 2018 | Susan's Blog
Would you rather… In life, we don’t get to pick our problems the way the popular game “Would your rather?” entertains. Unfortunately, we don’t get to trade in the card we never wanted to hold. But, we do get to choose how we play it. If you’re like me, you’ve had your...
by Susan Call | Oct 15, 2018 | Susan's Blog
Have you ever felt like time was standing still? I’m pretty sure time slowed to a crawl over the weekend when I begrudgingly went to the gym. There were a number of things I felt like doing but instead opted to do what I knew was good for me. I’d made it to the last...
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