It felt almost like a sense of Dejavu. I’d been here before. As I stepped off the jet way and into the terminal, I remembered this place with incredible clarity. I’d only been in this terminal once before – 3 long years ago.
As I continued down the hallway I caught a glimpse of gate f 12 out of my peripheral vision. I recognized the corner spot where I’d wiped away my tears before. My travels hadn’t brought me by this way since that difficult journey home after my dad passed away. I’ve been here before reverberated through every ounce of me.
Maintaining my composure, I continued through the terminal. Suddenly I was struck by how in life we have moments that feel like this – bittersweet moments similar but different. They aren’t physical places that we’ve returned to but emotional places that find us feeling “I’ve been here before.” Maybe someone lets us down or we’re in a situation and suddenly we see familiar writing on the wall. Whether it’s a physical place such as my airport experience or an emotional place, when we encounter these moment, we have a choice in how we respond.
How to Change Your Perspective:
See the good.
Walking through the airport, I had a choice to focus on my loss and the sadness of my prior visit there or to focus on the good that I experienced that trip. I chose to remember the kind flight attendant and pilot who went out of their ways to help me. It’s the same in life’s situations. Often tough situations are wrapped as bittersweet memories. There’s good sprinkled in with the challenging. Choose to remind yourself of the good that came your way instead of focusing on the difficult or sad things.
Acknowledge the past.
Don’t ignore or pretend something didn’t happen because it was tough. Acknowledge what you’ve been through so that you can remind yourself how far you’ve come. When you find yourself revisiting an experience you’ve been through, acknowledge it and keep going. You’re in a different place this time. Continue on. It’ isn’t your gate this time.
Learn from it.
Some situations in life allow us to grow becoming stronger. When you find yourself feeling like you’ve been here before because of how someone has treated you or a situation unfolded, learn from it. Some lessons in life are meant to be one time lessons. You don’t need to relive the problems or the pain by lingering in a place that you’re not meant to revisit. Don’t discount wisdom you’ve gained when you encounter similar situations again.
Pay it forward – Be the good.
Stepping into the airport I instantly recalled the kindness of the flight attendant who went out of her way to help me. She gave me a pile of snacks and did her best to help me catch an earlier flight. Her compassion hasn’t been forgotten three years later. No matter what life has for you this week, choose to be the good. Be kind to those you meet. You have no idea the burdens that they are carrying. And, who knows, maybe someday they’ll be saying “I’ve been here before and I remember that person who was kind.” Be that person.
Curious what happened the last time I passed through that airport terminal? You might enjoy my post that shares about it and reminds us the value of compassion and kindness even when we can’t change someone else’s troubles:
Finding Joy in Bumped Flights, Travel Challenges and Standby
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Be blessed! Until next time friend.
These are all great meaningful tips! So much freedom comes from each tip. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Carmen! Blessings.