It was just supposed to be a night of volunteering with Compassion while listening to some amazing music by Casting Crowns. I didn’t expect a perspective changing realization from a surprising source.

Before the event began, I remembered once hearing Mark Hall, the lead singer of Casting Crowns say that they only tour on certain days of the week so that they can honor commitments at home. He’s a youth pastor and members of the band are worship leaders at their church. Being a youth pastor is who he is as his primary vocation. “Crowns” as he referred to their group, is his “side gig.” I remembered being impressed when I first heard the intentionality of their schedule. As I’ve increased my speaking events each year, I’ve kept what they shared in the back of my mind.

The other night Mark mentioned it again. When he did, I was struck by a thought that rocked my perspective. As I watched an entire auditorium inspired and singing along to their music, I realized “this” is what a “side gig” or “part time” looks like when God’s hand is on an effort. Mind blown.

Often I’ve wished I had more time to write or speak and have dreamed of what my impact could be one day when I can devote more time to it. I’ve caught myself wishing I had the schedule of friends who have more time to pursue both. And, I’ve talked about my writing and speaking as “part time.” But, suddenly standing at a Casting Crowns concert I realized that I was allowing myself to minimize the potential of my impact by having a part time mindset.

5 Things we can do to have a “full time” impact:

1. Be intentional with your priorities.

In order to have the greatest impact with our efforts, we need to get our priorities straight. That can feel challenging some times because we often have multiple “important” things warring for our time and energy. But, the great news is we have the power to choose what gets our attention at any moment. I loved hearing that Casting Crowns intentionally heads home to honor commitments to the youth at their church. Reaching thousands with their encouraging music is important, but it takes a different priority when it is up against their primary commitment at home. The irony is both their music and their home church ministry are stronger as a result. When you’re intentional with your priorities, your impact with each becomes stronger as a byproduct.

2. Be faithful with what you have.

Be faithful with the time, energy and skills that you have. That means resisting the urge to say “if only you had more time” or tell yourself you’ll have a greater impact in a different season of your life. When you do what you can with what you have where you are, it’s enough to make a difference. Mark Hall said that Casting Crowns is essentially a side gig. As I watched them inspire an entire auditorium of people, I realized what God can do with our “part time” efforts. When we’re faithful with what we have, God does the rest.

3. Have a full time impact attitude.

When we need to juggle between multiple priorities, it’s important to be fully present when we’re focusing on one of them. Choose to adopt an all-in attitude for what you are doing when you do it. Each thing that gets your attention will be impacted most if you don’t allow your focus to be fragmented.

4. Don’t compare.

You’ve heard it before but I’m going to say it again, don’t compare. As you set out to make a bigger impact with the areas of your life that have less time, don’t compare to other people with similar journeys. It’s easy to fall into the trap to see the impact or progress of someone else. Your journey is not theirs. They’re not walking in your shoes either. Resist the comparison trap. It will consume your time and energy and rob you of potential impact.

5. Recognize what’s significant.

A simple phrase from a Steven Furtick sermon has stuck with me for quite some time – “This is significant.” How it has stuck with me is that when God nudges you to do even the smallest thing, or puts something on your mind, even if it seems trivial, it’s significant. Occasionally I’ve said it out loud when I’m following through on a nudge. It’s easy to tell ourselves something is too small to make a difference. But, small seeds of faithfulness can bear great fruit. The same is true for our “part time” efforts. You don’t have to be called into full time ministry to change the world. God can use your few hours a week to plant or water seeds that can become something much bigger. Just look what he’s done with the side gig for Casting Crowns!

It’s your turn.

Do you ever wish you had more time to pursue your passion or find your purpose and feel like “part time” isn’t enough? I know I’ve dreamed of the chance to one day write and speak full time. But, that’s not this season of my life. And, after this week, I’m going to look at my time a bit differently. I’m going to resist the urge to box in the impact of my efforts. Instead I’m going to focus on being faithful with the time I have outside of my work and family. And, I’m going to leave the impact of the efforts up to what God allows to happen.

Won’t you join me in freeing the potential and possibilities of what can come of the part time things in life? What will you do differently? Or how has your perspective changed? Click to comment, I’d love to hear from you. And, if this has encouraged you, why not share it so that together we can encourage more people to have a full time impact even with part time opportunities.

Until next time friend, be blessed!