What Tidying Up Taught Me About Perspective

What Tidying Up Taught Me About Perspective

I think I have something that might just be contagious! This past week I was bit by the KonMari bug. Have you heard of it? It’s not new, but it is new to me.  With the bitter cold temperatures outside, I recently watched a few episodes of Netflix’s series Tidying Up...
What Happens When You Have Bad Fuel

What Happens When You Have Bad Fuel

There are some lights that grab your attention and seemingly demand to be noticed. The check engine light on a dashboard is one of those.  I distinctly remembering my dad saying that’s not a light to ignore. Having had a few months of my share of mechanic bills, you...
What You Need to Know About Rabbit Trails

What You Need to Know About Rabbit Trails

The other morning I unexpectedly “fell” down a rabbit trail. No, the path didn’t come with a warning that I was about to lose time that I couldn’t get back. It certainly didn’t come with a map or a sign telling me just how far off my intended path the little adventure...
Overwhelmed? 10 Things You Can Do to Help.

Overwhelmed? 10 Things You Can Do to Help.

Have you noticed how the hectic pace of the holidays seems to have just maintained a bit of a crazy pace this year? Between work, family, and other commitments, there aren’t enough hours in the day. And, as I write this, dishes in the sink beacon. In talking with a...