5 Things You Can Get Rid of and Never Miss

5 Things You Can Get Rid of and Never Miss

Have you ever been randomly reminded of something from years ago and instantly be transported back to a different time and place? That happened to me the other day. One minute I was cleaning my garage, getting rid of “stuff” and the next I was staring down a swollen...
3 Important Reasons You Should Share Your Story

3 Important Reasons You Should Share Your Story

I woke with a startle. This was one day that I couldn’t afford to be late. A team at work planned to meet to travel together to a large training session for our clients in preparation for a major software release. Just a new college grad in entry level role, I was...
5 Ways to Make the Most of Today

5 Ways to Make the Most of Today

A “today” to remember. It’s often in life’s simplest moments that time can stand still. Moments that arrive without a fanfare yet they take our breath away. This week I was reminded of one such priceless moment I shared with my dad. It was a day that I...
Trapped and Alone. What Would You Do?

Trapped and Alone. What Would You Do?

Trapped and Alone In an instant everything changed. Although he’d done this dozens of times before, this time something was different.  The unexpected happened. Alone in the mountains with just his small team of horses, my grandfather had no forewarning that he’d...
Stuck? In a Rut? Try These 6 Practical Tips

Stuck? In a Rut? Try These 6 Practical Tips

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to go from making steady progress on goals and priorities to being completely derailed? Dieter’s call it a plateau. In life we might call it a rut. We didn’t set out to stall or get stuck, yet here we are. Life happens....